Taking it one day at a time
I had an appointment with my OB yesterday. I have gained 3.5 lbs in the past month, which adds up to a total of 9 lbs. I am gaining less than when I was pregnant with R, which is good because I ended up gaining 30 lbs with her and I certainly do not want to come even close to that this time.
She says that from the ultrasound report and from the size of my uterus, this baby is probably going to be significantly bigger that R was (she weighted a little more than 5.5 lbs), which means I will more than likely have to have a c-section. I am not happy with this idea but I’m getting used to it since she’s been mentioning it at every appointment.
Other than that, everything looks good. My blood pressure is normal and the b/h contractions haven’t increased in frequency or in intensity. She said we could resume our sexual activity, since the placenta moved up significantly, which really made Zé Maria (and myself, I must admit) quite happy. No need to tell you what we did last night, right?
I am, surprisingly, feeling better about the upcoming weeks. We will be moving out on Saturday and the men will start working on Monday. My mom has emptied a closet for us and a dresser for R, which was really nice of her, and we’ll have enough room to live comfortably for the 3 weeks we’ll have to spend there. I’ve also been looking at cleaning companies and we’ll hire one to clean our house before we move back in, which probably means we will still have to go back to my parents’ for a few days when we get back from Brazil. But somehow, I’m not as stressed out about that as I was a few days ago. I’ve decided to just take it one day at a time.
Today Zé Maria and my BIL have a meeting with his doctor and the surgeon who will be doing the transplant (yes, if you are paying attention, the meeting has been re-scheduled twice already), and hopefully they will come out with a surgery date. I’ll let you know once I know something.
At 1:29 PM,
Martha said…
wow.. full of updates! I wonder why your doc is pushing for a C/S? Will she let you try to go natural if you want to??
YEAH... for getting your freak on again!! (wink)
Sounds like you are adjusting to everything and taking it in stride! That will really help!
At 3:13 PM,
Ana said…
Martha, she is insisting on a c-section because my perinium is really tight and when R was born it nearly tore all the way down to the rectum, which would have had serious consequences such as anal incontinence, etc. (sorry this is graphic)
Back then I didn't realize anything was wrong and had a really good experience (3 hours of labor, 3 pushes). But she was really scared and since then she always told me that if my second child was any bigger than R she wouldn't risk it again.
At 1:29 PM,
Martha said…
ahhh that makes total sense then! My doctor told me right from the start that my birth canal was extremely small and that if the baby was more than 6 pounds we would do a c-section. Luckily he was only 3 pounds! LOL! Even with that I tore! So I understand. But think of al the positives, you'll be able to pick the day your son is born!!
At 1:46 PM,
Lioness said…
Excellent news! Hope the surgery gets sorted out soon. Keep that perineum intact!
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