Stressing out
I don’t know if you can tell from my posts but I am a bit of a control freak. I like to plan things to the most insignificant detail; I like my house to be clean and my things to be organized. So right now, with all that’s going on, I’m starting to feel like I’m loosing control and I’m on the verge of an anxiety attack.
As you know, we are moving in with my parents next weekend for 2 weeks while two of our bathrooms are going to be totally destroyed and remodelled (remind me to take those “before” pictures until Friday!!). After that we are going to Brazil for a week, which means I will have to pack both working clothes and vacation clothes, because we will only have access to our house after the bathrooms are finished, which will (hopefully) be by the time we get back from Brazil.
Because we are moving, and then going on vacation, and our house is going to be destroyed, we have decided not to start preparing for the baby until we have moved back in. And so we haven’t opened the boxes with R’s baby clothes and baby gear. And we haven’t changed R’s clothes to the big closet (the baby’s clothes will go in her closet and drawer), which means I haven’t cleaned up her closet since the winter, which means all her winter clothes that don’t fit her anymore are still in her closet along with her summer clothes, which is basically a total caos right now….
…ok, taking a break to breathe…
That’s better. Also, since we haven’t opened the boxes with the baby stuff, we don’t really know what we need to buy for the baby (and we will confirm if it’s a boy today so that has been a reason for this delay also). Which means we haven’t bought anything for him yet. And the bassinet we are going to use while he’s in our room is still stored away at my in-laws’, and the crib we will put him in once he is out of our room is still not in R’s room (we have decided they will share a room and the other bedroom will remain a playroom for now… at least we’ve decided something already!). And have I told you our house is a mess right now?
I know I’m only 22 weeks along and there’s plenty of time. But I’ll be at least 27 weeks (in the best case scenario) before we can move back home, and I’ll still have to clean the whole house, which will be a mess from the remodelling, and my housekeeper will be on vacation until the mid-August so I’ll either have to do it on my own or hire someone to do it. When I was pregnant with R, by 27 weeks the nursery was ready, I had all the baby gear I needed and I even had tons of baby clothes in the drawers. Because I’m anal like that. And that’s how I feel good.
Oh, and lets not forget that my husband is undergoing major surgery sometime in September. I absolutely have to have everything ready by the time he has this surgery because he will be pretty much useless for a month after that, which is about the amount of time we’ll have left before the baby comes…
…ok, I need to breathe again….
Can you guys tell I’m stressed out. No wonder I’m having b/h contractions all the time now, and my face looks like a battle field, and probably my blood pressure is too high. And R’s behaviour has been so irregular lately. She’s clingy, she keeps asking me if she’s Mommy’s baby, she wants to sleep in our bed. And it’s stressing me out even more that I’m not giving her a calm and stable environment for these last few months she has to prepare for the baby.
This baby is going to be born with serious problems, I tell you.
PS: Ultrasound in 4 hours. Will update when I get back.
At 12:52 PM,
Jen said…
Good luck at the ultrasound; do keep breathing; and it will all get worked out!
How are things going with the placenta previa? Are you still restricted from lifting things?
At 1:36 PM,
Martha said…
Okay.. SIT... Take a Deep BREATH! In.. and OUT.. IN and OUT! There feel better?
Ana, I am just like you so I totally understand. This is a wonderful test for that control freak in you. (kinda like Alex being born at 30 weeks for me) LOL! Sometimes you just have to let go and know it will all happen and it will all be okay! Keep praying, God won't let you down.
Good Luck at the U/S today! I hope you see ton's of boy parts!
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