Update from Sick as Hell Land
R is still sick. Today is day 6 of diarrhea, vomiting and not eating. I am v. v. tired. No fever since Tuesday though, which is good.
We did finally take her to the doctor. I called her and described the situation over the phone and she told me to bring her in. She said we are doing the right thing and there is nothing else we can do but give her lots of water and wait.
Well thank you, I didn't need to pay you an obscene amount of money and spend hours in the waiting room to know that. And you could've told me that over the phone earlier a**hole.
I just hate doctors who make you wait for hours on end (which is about every doctor in this stupid city). If you schedule an appointment for 5 why do they make you wait until 8? Why do they schedule appointments for every 15 minutes if it takes them half an hour to see each patient? And why do people seem perfectly happy with that?
With my ob/gyn I always schedule for 6.30 pm (the last available hour) and then I start calling every hour to see if I can come in already. Usually it gives me enough time to go home, have dinner and be there at 10 pm just in time to wait another hour and finally get seen at 11. I swear if she wasn't my cousin and didn't see me for free I would've changed doctors years ago. But what would be the point anyway, they are all like that. It is the only thing I complain about from my pregnancy and the only one I am not looking forward to repeating.
But I digress. The ped did prescribe something to help restore her intestinal flora faster. Let me tell you that thing has the worse smell ever and I'm sure it tastes horrible. But my little girl is a saint and she takes any medicine I give her without as much as a sigh.
Last night I didn't have to change her bed, she did not vomit and she asked to go potty instead of doing it on the bed. She still has diarrhea but it certainly is an improvement. Hopefully she can go back to school on Monday.
R is still sick. Today is day 6 of diarrhea, vomiting and not eating. I am v. v. tired. No fever since Tuesday though, which is good.
We did finally take her to the doctor. I called her and described the situation over the phone and she told me to bring her in. She said we are doing the right thing and there is nothing else we can do but give her lots of water and wait.
Well thank you, I didn't need to pay you an obscene amount of money and spend hours in the waiting room to know that. And you could've told me that over the phone earlier a**hole.
I just hate doctors who make you wait for hours on end (which is about every doctor in this stupid city). If you schedule an appointment for 5 why do they make you wait until 8? Why do they schedule appointments for every 15 minutes if it takes them half an hour to see each patient? And why do people seem perfectly happy with that?
With my ob/gyn I always schedule for 6.30 pm (the last available hour) and then I start calling every hour to see if I can come in already. Usually it gives me enough time to go home, have dinner and be there at 10 pm just in time to wait another hour and finally get seen at 11. I swear if she wasn't my cousin and didn't see me for free I would've changed doctors years ago. But what would be the point anyway, they are all like that. It is the only thing I complain about from my pregnancy and the only one I am not looking forward to repeating.
But I digress. The ped did prescribe something to help restore her intestinal flora faster. Let me tell you that thing has the worse smell ever and I'm sure it tastes horrible. But my little girl is a saint and she takes any medicine I give her without as much as a sigh.
Last night I didn't have to change her bed, she did not vomit and she asked to go potty instead of doing it on the bed. She still has diarrhea but it certainly is an improvement. Hopefully she can go back to school on Monday.
At 2:28 PM,
Martha said…
Poor R - I am praying you are on the road to recovery! Having a sick baby is just the worst.
I cannot believe how late your doctors have appointments there. Here in the States you usually can't get an appointment past 5pm unless you go to Urgent care. Seeing your OB at 10pm? That's Insane! Wow.. I hope you guys have a great weekend and R recovers!
At 8:49 PM,
Modokker said…
Hope she is better soon Ana! She is a great little girl to take her yucky medicene without trouble!
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