The Joys of Motherhood
I did not sleep last night. I think God is asking me if I'm sure I want to have another baby right now.
Disclaimer: if you have a sensitive stomach or just had breakfast do not read this next part. Trust me on this one.
So, as you've probably guessed by now R is sick. Last night at 4 am she started coughing and ended up vomiting all over the bed. Let me just tell you that milk and medicine make the worse vomit and leave a foul smell. Not something you wanna wake up to at 4 am.
So Zé Maria and I changed her clothes and put her in our bed while we changed her bed.
Then at 6 am she starts screaming that she wants to go to the potty. Well, apparently I didn't get there fast enough. That's right, you guessed it. Diahrea.
At least she had her NASA-astronaut-like pijamas that prevented it from getting on the sheets. So we change her clothes again and put het back to bed. By now it's too late for us to go back to sleep and a shower sounds like a really good idea.
I had forgotten how tired you get after being up with a child the whole night. Somehow the thought of having a newborn seems to have lost some of it's appeal this morning. I'm certain it's only temporary but I'm glad I ovulated already this cycle, or I would be getting second thoughts.
I called home just a minute ago and the nanny says R woke up at 10 am. She doesn't have a fever and has not vomited or gone to the potty yet. She is dancing in the kitchen. Of course she is. She slept until 10. Thank God tomorrow is a holiday.
At 1:55 PM,
Martha said…
Ohh Noo... Poor Mommy & Daddy! I hope R is feeling better today and on the road to recovery. We went thru this last week so I feel your pain. It's the pitts! Hopefully you guys all get some sleep tonight. Big Hugs..
At 4:55 PM,
Ana said…
Hi Ana, I just found your blog... I loved it... I was very sad when read about your second pregnancy... It must have been hard... Just want to let you know that I will be coming by your blog to hear the news and hopefully you will have good news soon.
At 10:42 PM,
Sasha@Pw said…
Oh that's not fun at all! I hope for her sake (and yours!) that she feels better soon.
At 11:37 PM,
JenP said…
Oh Ana, I hope R feels better soon and that you get some nice, wonderful sleep soon!
It's posts like that that make me realize what a wonderful woman my own mother is. For cleaning me up and getting me new sheets and new clothes, even though she worked full time.
You're a wonderful mother, Ana.
Best wishes
At 5:58 PM,
Lioness said…
Wow, blogger allowed me in, how gracious! I hope R is feeling better, and that you slept last night.
"She is dancing in the kitchen. Of course she is. She slept until 10. Thank God tomorrow is a holiday."
SEE? You funny!
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