Almost New Year!
I can hardly believe Christmas has come and gone. We had an exausting couple of days and even though it was fun I'm kinda glad it's all over.
On the 24th we spent the day at my inlaws, went to midnight mass and then went to my parents for a cup of hot cocoa, and presents, of course. Then on the 25th we had lunch at my uncle's (my Mom's brother) and then dinner at my aunt's (my Dad's sister). So as you can imagine, R had tons of gifts and we were all exausted by the time we got home on the 25th.
And then at 3.30 am, my sister inlaw calls me to tell us she's engaged to be married! I was thrilled, but she didn't have to wake us up in the middle of the night.
New Year's Eve should be much calmer. We have a small party at a friends house but my sister has no plans yet, so we've decided that we'll go to her house if they don't have plans by then. Either way, it will be a small party, nothing fancy.
We're also preparing for the surgery. My sister inlaw (the bride to be) will stay with me and the kids while Zé Maria is at the hospital, which should be about 4 or 5 days. Manel is sleeping through the night already but I still feel better knowing someone will be here at night.
That's it for now. If I don't write before, I wish a very happy new year to everyone who still reads this!
At 12:28 AM,
JoeinVegas said…
No listing of Christmas presents? Of course new family member would be number one!
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