The Wedding - Part VII
After a horrible couple of days, I’m finally back to normal. Being sick seriously sucks, let me tell you, and I would much rather work then stay home feeling the way I did.
Anyway, the wedding is less than 3 weeks away and the level of stress is now … how can I put it?... dangerous. On Saturday SIL was showing me some candles she had bought trying to decide which to use for the centrepieces. She was telling me that the ones she liked the most cost 1 euro a piece while the others, not quite so nice, were only 30 cents a piece. My husband, typical man that he is, ignorant of how hypersensitive all brides-to-be are, tells her not be petty and worry over a couple of cents, which caused an immediate flow of incontrollable tears, that lasted for far far longer than the comment warranted. Hubby was so disconcerted he even offered to pay for the candles.
The flower girls dresses are finally ready and turned out beautiful. There was some fabric left so I had shorts made for Manel. On Saturday I went to every kids stores I know looking for white socks for all the girls to wear, since the mother of one of the children told me she was planning on putting navy (!!!!!) socks on the poor girl. Navy. Socks. To go with a yellow and white dress. Whatever. So far I’m paying for the wedding dress, candles and flower girls socks. But who’s counting anyway.
My MIL is starting to go nuts and she starts and finishes every phone call with a complete check list of the things each member of the family still has to do. Since she calls me several times a day, I have the privilege of having a fully updated to-do list at all times. I was not as well informed about my own wedding preparations I tell you.
Tomorrow is the second, and hopefully final, wedding dress fitting. To be continued....
At 4:40 AM,
L said…
I'm really glad you're feeling better. I am too, sort of... (I posted about it today). This wedding story is turning out to be great fun!
At 3:03 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
I still think it would be easiest (and probably cheaper) to fly to Vegas and get married by Elvis.
Of course you have to put up with the family after, but . . .
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