It's cold here in Lisbon. This morning when I left for work it was 6º C (44º F) which is really really cold for us.
But I have been particularly cold lately. Usually it doesn't bother me too much but lately it's really making me crazy, I can't stop shaking, even when I'm home standing dangerously close to the heater.
I remember being this cold before. It was about 3 years ago and I felt exactly like I do now, like I couldn't control myself. My MIL noticed it at the time and she asked me if I was pregnant, because she had always been particularly cold with all of her 9 pregnancies. I came to find out a few days after this conversation that I was indeed pregnant. I even commented with my online friends that this was the one symptom I had never had before.
So you can see were I am getting with all this. Sounds far-fetched? That is just how obessed I am. But I must say, in my own defense, that my husband noticed I have been particularly cold lately and he did remember me being cold when I was pregnant with R. So there.
Funny thing though, is that I don't remember being cold when I was pregnant the second time. So maybe this is a symptom that only comes with viable pregnancies? Ha!
At 11:06 PM,
sweetisu said…
A weird 'symptom', but stranger things have happened before! Good luck!
And oh, please do NOT say 6C is cold. Our local forecast for the next 10days, that's right, TEN DAYS, will be below -6C. For every single day, and every single flippin' night.. Saturday's high / low will be -19C / -25C ...
I want to MOVE out of this...this.. frozen hell!
At 7:23 PM,
Lioness said…
Espero que sim, espero que sejam boas noticias. beijo.
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