Taking my time
A friend of mine had her baby last week, at 30 weeks. She had been leaking amniotic fluid for a few weeks but the doctor still thought it was a good idea for her to stay home, with her 18 month old daughter. And so she ended up having the baby 10 weeks earlier.
The baby weighted 1.2 kgs and is in the NICU for at least one month, most likely two. He will survive but they are not sure if there will be after-effects.
When you see those two lines in a pregnancy test for the first time you immediately convince yourself you're going to have a baby. Then something happens or someone tells you things don't always go as you expect and you should at least wait until you see a heartbeat before getting too excited. That's when most people breathe deeper and start making plans.
Then sometimes you or someone you know will lose a baby even after they have seen a heartbeat and you think you will be able to breathe easier once you get past 12 weeks. Or once you reach viability (whatever that means). The truth is, you never do breathe easier once you realize things could go wrong.
I haven't unpacked my maternity clothes yet, though I thought I would be so excited to when we finally saw the heartbeat.
I also haven't bought anything for the new baby yet, though I want to be the first person to buy something for him/her and I know I should do it now before someone else does.
I haven't thought about where the baby will sleep, if the kids will share a room, how long my maternity leave will be.
And I haven't started to breathe completely yet. I know I will have to unpack the mat. clothes soon (very soon it seems) and that will be the first step towards making this pregnancy more real. Actually, the first step was telling my family and closer friends and that went pretty well. Maternity clothes will be next.
First appointment with the regular OB tomorrow.
A friend of mine had her baby last week, at 30 weeks. She had been leaking amniotic fluid for a few weeks but the doctor still thought it was a good idea for her to stay home, with her 18 month old daughter. And so she ended up having the baby 10 weeks earlier.
The baby weighted 1.2 kgs and is in the NICU for at least one month, most likely two. He will survive but they are not sure if there will be after-effects.
When you see those two lines in a pregnancy test for the first time you immediately convince yourself you're going to have a baby. Then something happens or someone tells you things don't always go as you expect and you should at least wait until you see a heartbeat before getting too excited. That's when most people breathe deeper and start making plans.
Then sometimes you or someone you know will lose a baby even after they have seen a heartbeat and you think you will be able to breathe easier once you get past 12 weeks. Or once you reach viability (whatever that means). The truth is, you never do breathe easier once you realize things could go wrong.
I haven't unpacked my maternity clothes yet, though I thought I would be so excited to when we finally saw the heartbeat.
I also haven't bought anything for the new baby yet, though I want to be the first person to buy something for him/her and I know I should do it now before someone else does.
I haven't thought about where the baby will sleep, if the kids will share a room, how long my maternity leave will be.
And I haven't started to breathe completely yet. I know I will have to unpack the mat. clothes soon (very soon it seems) and that will be the first step towards making this pregnancy more real. Actually, the first step was telling my family and closer friends and that went pretty well. Maternity clothes will be next.
First appointment with the regular OB tomorrow.
At 11:46 AM,
Lioness said…
Hmm. I don't know if it's the actual buying or the whole of it but, should it be the buying, do you think you could window-shop and decide upon what you'll buy and not buy it just yet? This way, even if someone offers you something it doesn't matter, bcs you'll have chosen the first gift yourself, see? Or maybe not. (Does this mean you are getting tummier already?)
Hoping you stay cold for a good long while!
At 11:49 AM,
Ana said…
Not tummier per se. I haven't gained any weigth and I can still wear all my clothes. But the jeans are starting to feel a bit unconfortable by 6 pm. At 8 weeks 4 days it does seem a bit early, I know.
As for the buying, I guess it isn't that important. The window-shopping idea is a good one, I might just do that.
At 7:14 PM,
sweetisu said…
I understand completely of "waiting to exhale" thought.
I hope your friend's new baby boy doesn't have any problems from being born 10wks early.
This time around, I 'swelled' at about 6 weeks and needed maternity pants by 7 or 8. For me it in fact showed a lot sooner. Although my weight gain is still terribly low.
At 10:42 PM,
Jen said…
I know what you mean and I haven't even gotten pregnant again yet. I worry that even though I got pregnant easily something in this process will have messed up my fertility. Then there's worrying about another mole. If not that, worrying that something else will happen. It doesn't ever end, but I guess we just have to go on and get through any way we can.
Hang in there and do things when you feel ready.
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