Obsessing again
In the beginning of October we decided we wanted to start trying for another child. I went off birth control and somehow convinced myself I would get pregnant immediately. I mean, I have waited for so long for this, surely God will not make me wait any longer (as if this kind of loggic apllies to one's reproductive life).
One cycle has gone by already and I am now a few days past ovulation... I guess I should be thankful that I am ovulating so soon after going off BCP.
I really should be working. I work in an investment bank and the last months of the year are so busy, I have so many things to do. Instead I am here, obsessing about my cycle, my temperatures, every little insignificant sign that this might be the month. I really should be working.....
One cycle has gone by already and I am now a few days past ovulation... I guess I should be thankful that I am ovulating so soon after going off BCP.
I really should be working. I work in an investment bank and the last months of the year are so busy, I have so many things to do. Instead I am here, obsessing about my cycle, my temperatures, every little insignificant sign that this might be the month. I really should be working.....
At 4:59 PM,
Lioness said…
In honour of the English-speaking friends, I'll write in English as well. Except for Contente sim senhora! how on earth did you find me? I never thought I had a Portie readership (1 = readership, um pequeno esticanço). Anyway, have your read any of the infertility blogs? They are amazing and discuss every possible condition under the sun AND they are entirely supportive. You will not feel alone or unwelcome. If you haven't I can recommend a few as a starting point. They truly are the braves women on earth, there's a link to them in my blog. Congrats on the cute baby and good luck on the next one. Really.
At 5:06 PM,
Ana said…
Hi Lioness. Yes, I have read the infertility blogs. In fact that is how I found you, through one of your comments on Tertia's blog. You're absolutely right, they are an amazing group and reading their blogs has helped me alot in the past few months.
At 8:29 PM,
Lioness said…
Ana, a propósito dos Magriços. No meu site tenho uma categoria chamada Nerdiction, e lá dentro há um post chamado "Blogger needs Jay's help!". Vocês têm muitas fotografias e causa um problema de pixeis que faz com que por vezes o Profile seja empurrado para o fundo da página. Mmas é fácil, FACÍLIMO, de resolver. O post explica como. (os Magriços são muito simpáticos BTW! :D)
At 8:32 PM,
Lioness said…
Oops, that was in Portie. Sorry abt that, Ana's English-speaking friends. It was just boring techno-lingo, nothing v exciting. Tertia, yes, isn't she brilliant? LOVE HER! I'm glad you've found them. I'm sure she/they'd love to hear from you as well. But you seem to take this lurking thing VERY seriously... ;)
At 7:25 PM,
Ana said…
Lioness, muito obrigada, realmente temos tido alguns problemas o tamanho das fotografias empurrar o profile para baixo (aliás, eu tenho tido pq eles nem sequer conseguem por uma fotografia, let alone dimensioná-la).
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